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Canton in the World
Global Education is taking place all over Canton Public Schools. You just have to know where to look! Some examples of Global Ed include:
CHS science teaching Skyping a scientist in Spain
CIS 6th grade band learning the National Anthems from around the world
CIS Pinwheels for Peace around the community
6th grade's cultural exchange with the University of Hartford International Students
The CIS & CMS Global Citizen's Club
Be the Change Club at CHS
CHS' World Language trips to Spain & Costa Rica
Senora Traub's participation in Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms
Miss Herman's Global Read Aloud and Mystery Skype connections
And many, many more
These are some of my Spanish students!!!
Writing cards to Croatia in global citiz
Learning tons about global ed! The Seneg
These are some of my Spanish students!!!
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