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Global education in today's day and age is critical. We, as educators, need to be certain that we are preparing our students to become competent global citizens, workers, and leaders. To this end, it is vital that we assess the manner in which we educate our students and the content of our curriculum to reflect these 21st century global skills. Check out the links below to explore various globally-minded assessment tools.


The Asia Society Global Competence Matrices (see left image) are written for each of the following content areas: Language Arts, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Languages, and The Arts. There is​ also a general matrix that can be applied to any content area. Each matrix is broken down into observable student skills for each of the four global competencies: investigate the world, recognize perspectives, communicate ideas, and take action. 


This Partnership for 21st Century Skills Teacher Guide outlines detailed global competence indicators or learning targets for grade level bands spanning from Kindergarten-12th Grade. This assessment tool is broken down into grade level bands and, the indicators are very appropriate for elementary-aged through high school students. The indicators are written in a way that is comprehensible for all teachers, even those new to global education. In addition, there are assessment checklists for every grade level band to make assessment quick and easy. 


This Global Education Checklist is an EXCELLENT REFLECTION tool to help educators evaluate global education in their classroom and schools. I highly recommend revisiting this personal assessment throughout your global ed journey.



Edutopia provides this awesome checklist for teaching global competence as well as example activities for promoting global competence in all 4 areas: investigating the world, recognizing perspectives, communicating ideas, and taking action.

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The Duke University Global Awareness Rubric assesses the global awareness of your students by looking at their views of technology, involvement in organizations, and their interactions with other cultures and people. 

Disclaimer: This is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the grantee's own and do not represent the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, IREX, or the U.S. Department of State.

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